Co-op: La Piramide
Region: Inzá, Cauca
Process: Washed
Varietal: Caturra, Typica
Altitude: 1750 - 2000 masl
Inzá is a municipality located in a sacred valley that sits below the elevated mountains
that separate Huila and Cauca. More than 14 centuries of history and tradition of native
indigenous tribes make Inzá ones of Colombia’s richest archaeological treasures, home to
the archeological park of Tierradentro. These indigenous cultures chose Inza as their
home because it is a place where many rivers converge, making this territory a fertile and
magical place.
Although Inzá is located remotely, it is definitey a place worth visiting. This region has
ethnic diversity, an amazing artisanal culture, stunning views, and of course, one of
Colombia’s best coffees. Coffee growers in this area used to sell their coffee to
intermediaries, who blended it and sold it as “Coffee from Huila”. In 2003, Caravela, our green import partner, started buying coffee directly from a group of small but passionate coffee producers from
the region and selling it as a single-origin to roasters around the world, with full
transparency and traceability.
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